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Your unique body

01 — Exercise with the ebb & flow of your menstrual cycle

We totally get that dealing with your cycle isn't always a walk in the park. We're here to help you navigate those ups and downs with exercise guidance that's tailored to each phase of your menstrual cycle. Whether you're feeling sluggish, bloated, or just a bit off, we've got your back! Our workouts are designed to support your body's changing needs so you can stay active, reduce your risk of injury and feel your best no matter what time of the month it is.

02 — Thrive with exercise during pregnancy

Pregnancy is an incredible journey, but let's be real, it comes with its fair share of challenges. Our specialised exercise guidance is all about keeping you feeling strong, flexible, and with less aches and pains throughout your pregnancy. We've got all your need-to-knows to safely stay active and healthy for you and your little one, so you can reap all the benefits that exercise through pregnancy has to offer.

03 — Safely return to exercise after pregnancy or birth

We're here to make being mum that little bit simpler for you. Our exercise guidance is all about fitting seamlessly into your busy life, whether you're a new mum battling long nights or a seasoned pro with sport run-arounds most days of the week. We'll help you rebuild your strength, find some much needed you-time, and prioritise your health and wellbeing. This is a very important time for us mums to improve muscle and bone, and reduce risk of leakage, prolapse and other injury.

04 — Maintaining exercise & confidence through 40’s, 50’s and beyond.

This time may be a strange chapter in your life with the onset of perimenopause and what comes after, but it's definitely not the end of the story. You generally have a bit more time for you, and this is a vital time to slow or stop your muscle & bone loss from hormonal changes. Our exercise guidance is here to help you embrace this next phase with confidence. We'll help you manage those pesky symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings, reduce your risk of muscle loss and bone density decline, and keep you feeling strong, vibrant, and full of life.

Start a new relationship with yourself & exercise today.